Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Media I Absorb

I am coming to see through examining what I take in an as media that I am being influenced at times without my knowledge. That is a scary realization. I enjoy watching the news and never realized that the anchors were skewing it until I looked for evidence of that. Likewise, I would never watch the news channel that doesn’t support my own opinion. So, I am just having my thoughts reinforced by watching the news instead of having the facts presented. When I watch more television I tend to watch shows that reinforce my own opinions and just ignore those that don’t. This past week I was watching the president’s address and then afterwards I put on the news that I normally watch. There was a noticed lack of standing on the democratic side, especially when he spoke of war and really didn’t think much of it until I watched the news. I tend to not like our president and often I won’t even think into what he is saying. The news channel had the democratic rebuttal and I was eating of his every word. I mean, fully engaged, nodding my head, buying into it completely. It was just as slanted as the president’s speech was, but because I agreed with him I let this get into my head. I think that is a large weakness of mine and that I need to consider the lens that I’m viewing the world through and maybe try to expand that so I’m not just being reassured of my own thoughts. I should try to make myself see both sides of the coin even when I don’t want to.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My favorite media.

I think that I may have a tie for my favorite type of media. I would really really miss my phone if I didn't have it. I date someone who is not close to me and I have lots of friends who have moved far far away and so to keep in touch with them I use my phone. I take for granted at times that I am able to call and have conversations with people who do not live near me frequently because of my cell phone plan. For a brief several weeks last year I was switching phone plans and I was without it. I felt stranded to be totally honest and I remember telling my mom I was deserted on an island. Did I have a land line? Yes. Did I have the internet and email? Yes. Do I have a phone card to use in case of emergencies? Yes. I still felt very disconnected from the rest of the world.

I do have to also mention that without books I would be lost. I don't get as edgy without them, but they are my main source of entertainment. I do long for a good read when I have been too busy reading required texts to do reading on my own. So, I think they are two different kinds of needs. However, those two top my list.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

How I use media.

I am a student taking a mass communication class and in order to experience being an active part of mass communication I am now writing a blog for all to see. The first step in looking at mass communication is to really think about how I use media in my everyday life. In order to do this below I have answered a series of questions about media and how I use it.

1. How often do you use a telephone? Who do you call the most?

I use a telephone everyday, typically 3 or 4 times. I call my boyfriend and my mom the most.

2. When is the last time you listened to speech or public speaker where you were physically in the audience(not required for class)? What was it and why?

The last time I listened to a speech was last semester in November. I went to listen to a talk about Chemistry equipment and the business of creating a chemistry company that an alumni gave to science majors.

3. How often do you IM? Name two people on your buddy list or people you frequently chat with.

I use AIM about once a week or so typically depending on how much work I have. I talk mostly with a friend at another school, Tony, and a few friends here Ashley, Sarah and Carrie.

4. How often do you use email?

When at school I use email more than once a day. At home I use email about 3 times a week.

5. When is the last time you paid for music to listen to? What was it?

I bought a song from itunes on world AIDS day because I like the band and the proceeds when to AIDS research.

6. What's the most recent thing you've watched on TV? Why?

I watched Martha Stewart yesterday morning before class because I got up early and had some extra time before I needed to leave for class.

7. When is the last time you recorded a movie or television program? What was it?

Last December I taped NUMB3RS, a television show, because I typically watch it and was unable to watch that week.

8. Name the most recent movie you watched for fun at the theater and DVD.

The last movie I saw at the theater was The Good Shepard. The last movie that I watched on DVD was Little Miss Sunshine.

9. Name the type of radio station you listen to and why?

At school I listen to the school radio station because it doesn't have commercials and the music is usually an ok mix. At home I listen to a station that plays rock and pop from the 80's, 90's and now because it also has a good mix or a local country station because they play songs that people in the area like and talk about area events as they program their own station.

10. Name the most recent book you read for you and why?

I just finished the last book in the Obsidian trilogy called When Darkness Falls (it is a fantasy trilogy). Right now I am reading a mage winds series book while trying to find a cheap copy of Why do all the black kids sit together in the cafeteria? to read because it looks interesting.

11. When was the last time you read a newspaper? Name it. Why?

I read USA today about 30 minutes ago because I like to know what's going on and I enjoy reading the newspaper.

12. When was the last time you read a magazine? Name it. Why?

I read a Good Housekeeping two days ago because I enjoy it and was waiting for AAA to come and unlock my car doors as my keys were locked inside of it.

13. When the last time you wrote a letter and sent it?

I sent postcards from vacation over break about 2 weeks ago and before that I sent a letter to my friend in Florida before Christmas.

14. Name a web site you frequent or have bookmarked on your browser? When is the last time you visited? Why?

I visit Myspace often because many of my friends have moved to other places and it provides an easy way for us to keep in touch. I checked there this morning.

15. Do you have a Myspace or Facebook blog? Why?

I have accounts at both places that I use regularly to message people and keep in touch but I do not blog at either of them. I am a private person and blogging about my life doesn't appeal to me. If I wanted someone to know about my life I would send them a letter or email.